Flood The Earth Reaction
talk given by Elder Bednar was a good example of how the technological advances
of today have the potential to do good. One can be kept up to date with current
events, relationships separated by distance can be maintained and the gospel
can be shared. I liked some of the suggestions that he used for how to share
the gospel through the technology we have. My stake back home has also started
a YouTube account so that their special events can be announced to a wider
audience. My ward has a Facebook group and a Twitter account to help keep the
members up to date on ward activities. These are both great ways of how members
can be strengthened and supported through the use of technology. Some people,
myself included, are not very outgoing and have a hard time expressing
ourselves in a public setting and therefore being a member missionary can be
difficult. The Internet has made it easier for me to share my beliefs with
others that I may have not been able to do in person. I have shared LDS videos
that I really liked on my Facebook and have used the #LDSconf tag on pictures I
have taken at conference on Instagram. Having grown up outside of a very Mormon
area, most of my friends from back home are not LDS and so this is a way for me
to show my faith without feeling overly preachy; someone can scroll past my
occasional video or not click on the tag on my Instagram photo but they can
watch that video or scroll through the tag if they want to. An example of
someone who is flooding the earth is my cousin, Brittany. She has been posting
each of the past April 2017 General Conference talks on her Facebook with her
testimony attached. She is being authentic and considerate and I don't see this
as being overbearing. This is why I appreciated the counsel that we should be
authentic and wise with what we post so much. It is better not to post
something than post something that you regret because it does not represent you
well. If someone is selective and discerning with what they share then it is
hard to go wrong. Not everything needs to be shared and when we are striving to
share goodness instead of trying to cause contention, then the message of the
gospel will be better received.
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